Friday, September 18, 2020
A new international photography magazine - FRAMES
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
My Influences - Cig Harvey
Back in July I wrote a review for a book (her third monograph) called "You an Orchestra You a Bomb" by Cig Harvey and said a little about her. This time she has a whole blog to herself.
I first came across Cig's work online when I discovered some of her early work around the time of her second monograph "Gardening at Night" although by then she had already shown work a number of times in both solo and group shows starting in 2000. I was impressed with her monotone work although most of her pictures are in colour and in fact colour is immensely important to her. Her work often shows edges, hints, and segments; small pieces which allowed you to wonder and it was this storytelling element of her work that I found attractive. She herself has said that she is influenced by magic realism and has attracted comments comparing her work to that of Rene Magritte.
Cig is English and was born in Devon in 1973 but later travelled abroad, working in different countries before settling in the USA where she still lives in Rockport in Maine.
She has received many awards and recognition for her work in the intervening years. In 2018 she was named the 2018 Prix Virginia Laureate, an international photography prize awarded to one woman each year. Her recent work has been largely centred on family and firends with some echoes of Sally Mann. Where she will go next is less certain I feel but she is certainly a photographer to watch for me.
Here is her website to browse
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Why black and white photographs are still relevant
In the history of photography the use of colour is relatively recent. Although the process for chemically recording colour was proposed by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1855 and the first colour photograph produced six years later for a lecture by Maxwell (by the photographer Thomas Sutton), it was not until the 1970's that colour film began to sell in industrial quantities. It had been more widely available since the 1930's but the colour was not great and the film was expensive and difficult to develop without the right facilities.
This means that when we scan photographic history most of the pictures we see are in black and white. Perhaps that begs the question is monochrome still relevant in these days of far more reliable colour films and digital cameras which can create great colour reproduction in comparison to early colour film? I'd argue that it is, as much as anything because it is available and can serve a purpose. There are several reasons you might consider using mono in a photograph.
1) Due to the history of photography black and white photographs appear more timeless. Removing colour makes it more difficult to date a photograph.
2) A lack of colour exaggerates the drama of shadows and light immediately and photographs with dramatic lighting can draw the attention of the viewer more quickly.
3) Fine art photography often uses black and white to distance the viewer from the reality of the subject. Because we see the world in colour the viewer has to stop and work out what they are seeing. This makes the viewer pause and look more closely, however briefly, at the picture. As Joel Sternfeld said, "Black and White is abstract; colour is not. Looking at a black and white photograph you are already looking at a strange world."
4) Many photographers would say that portraiture is more stark and exacting in black and white and that removing the colour allows an audience to see the face and eyes without distraction. As photographer Ted Grant once said, "When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. When you photograph them in black and white you photograph their souls."
So it is a good rule of thumb when deciding whether to convert a picture to mono (given that all digital camers will shoot a file in colour even if it gives you the option to adjust the settings for black and white) to consider the light, form and texture of the picture. And don't forget to shoot in RAW if using the mono settings on your camera as the retention of the colour information in the file allows for considerable leeway in post processing...
Images with a wide range of tonal values tend to be better for black and white photographs and images are usually most successful when the tones contain both the blackest of blacks and the whitest of whites with a range of grays in between.
The photograph below was taken as a challenge to make an image in which almost everything in it is white. This means that the only way to distinguish the content of the photograph is by shade and tone. You can decide for yourself whether that works. As the model had dark hair I even sourced a blonde wig to get as white as possible...
Friday, August 28, 2020
A favourite photograph
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Don McCullin - His exhibition at Tate Liverpool (Sept 20 - May 21)
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Five of the best - World Photography Day
August 19 is World Photography Day, a day to pay homage to the history of photography, celebrate the present and leave a positive trail for the future. World Photography Day originates from the invention of the daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Louis Daguerre. It is arguable as to whether Louis Daguerre got there first but he was certainly a very early bird in the photography stakes.
By now it is estimated that over 20 billion photographs are taken every year throughout the world. That is a lot. In fact if you looked at each one for a second it would take you 636 years (less a couple of days) to see them all. We don't have that much time of course which means we will only be able to see a fraction of the photographs taken.
So to celebrate I have decided to help you and show you five photogrpahs that have caught me eye this year. I hope that you like them.
The one at the top by the way was taken by Amdad Hossain and was a winner in the photojournalist stakes, of a homeless woman in Bangladesh and reminded me of how lucky I was.
Russian photographer Oleg Ershov took this picture which was a winner of the International Landscape Photographer of the year recently. He took it in Cumbria, which shows that us Britons don't have to go far to find winning pictures - we just have to see them...
British photographer Sam Rowley captured these squabbling mice on the London Underground to win the Lumix wildlife prize...again showing that what is around us can be a winner.
This architectural phot by Hazel Parreno of Hintze Hall at the Natural History Museum also caught my eye. It's simplicity belies the detail within the picture.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)
Humber Fish Co., Humber Street
ICM is not new in photography and has often been used in the past to create more complex, dreamlike and painterly images to counter-balance some of the increasing sharply focussed work often on display.
Intentional Camera Movement is what it says and involves the photographer moving the camera during a long exposure to create something slightly other worldly. The impact can be very boring and look like a slightly out of focussed amateur attempt, very abstract or stunningly beautiful and Turneresque. There are some very experienced experts out there who, by their own admission, may take hundreds of shots to get the one or two they are looking for.
I have had my interest renewed in the nature and practie of ICM following a conversation with another photographer, Iain Cairns when we met for a coffee recently and a link he sent me to the work of Andrew S Gray in Northumberland whose work you can see here :- . Very atmospheric!!
I am miles away from anything like having the skill of Andrew but I also think that increasing my repertoir is as essential as using the full facilities of my camera. So I have set out to practice with ICM and these pictures are the first taken over the last week. I have a long way to go.
I have not attempted to do very much post editing with them as I wish to get the balance right first between what can be seen and what can be hinted at. This essentially means how much or how little movement I get into the shot and that is practice and good luck. The greater the movement the more abstracted the picture. I have certainly learned that having some point of focus helps and that usually minimal movement makes a more understandable picture. Equally a lot of movement can give a very pleasing abstract effect and result in unpredicatble colour swatches in the final photo.
In addition I decided to experiment with a technique I have been using for some time now and utilising my camera's ability to take up to twelve photographs and merge them in-camera to gain an overlayed result. Again I have learned so far to work with two imposed images and ICM but not more.
The basic camera set-up varies depending on the weather. A very bright and sunny day will allow much more play than a dark and stormy one and the colour palette on the final photos will be very different. In order to reduce the light entering the camera you also need a variable Neutral Density Filter. These allow you to make speedy changes to the light entering the lense. I have usually set the ISO on the camera to 100 (which in itself can require a longer exposure) and set the timer to anything from half a second to considerably longer. I can then marginally adjust the ND filter, the timing or the ISO to improve results...but it is hit and miss to some degree although if you stand in one place and take a number of photographs it is likely you will get nearer to the result you want with each picture taken - unless the sun goes in or pops out again!
My experiments have taken me into the city and countryside over the last ten days and you can decide which you like best from these shots below. I will post again on this topic in the coming months as I learn more and use increasingly different methods to achieve my results. Comments are welcomed - and remember if you don't wish to miss any of my blogs you can always pop your email into the top right hand box and then you will get a reminder when I post ! You can also reverse that process if you get fed-up with me!
Landscape with single tree near Elloughton
Helen Levitt - fifty years of New York street photography
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This American photographer grew up in Lexington and studied photography in the late 60's at the Ansel Adams Yosemite workshops and lat...
Some time ago I was chatting with artist Peter Watson, whose work I had admired for some time. As both a painter and graphic designer his wo...