FRAMES - a new, international, quarterly magazine
This new magazine will launch in the autumn of 2020 and seems to be an extremely comprehensive and high quality product in the making. It's byline is " Excellent photography belongs on paper" and the aim is to make a great print magazine with photographs from across the globe available to all. If you consider the price of individual prints these days then around £20 per quarter for 100 printed pages of a high quality is excellent value.
But there is more. The FRAMES Facebook page is a highly active page with over 4K membership currently, a mix of professional and serious amateurs. You need to ask to be let in but that isn't a problem unless you break the rules. It has some stunning original work and active input from the editor, Tomasz Trzebiatowski, as well as commentary and comment from the community which can tackle such sticky issues as the intrusiveness (or not) of street photography, the legitimate uses of post production techniques (or not) and a range of other photographic considerations. Polaroids, film, pinhole and digital are all here.
You can approach the Facebook group here :-
In addition the webpage has a range of individual photographs with commentaries by the photographers and interviews with leading lights in the photographic community. You can see the website here :- and subscribe to the weekly newsletter from there as well.
Personally I am really looking forward to the launch and a magazine of such a wide range of work without the usual advertisments and technical detail. There are enough of those already. Congratulations to Tomasz on such well conceived concept...and good luck.
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